After each trip to the states or UK I realise how quickly we become dependent on GPS navigation systems (or sat nav) as the people who choose to be different call them.
How intoxicating it is to hear those soft, sexy tones and the understanding voice as she recalculates the route after being ignored. In fact it seems almost impossible to hear a female voice accepting calmly as you go past the turning she instructed, more likely that "Mrs Reality" would be screaming and threatening.
This unfortunate chap in Poland was apparently driving home from a bar and relied a little too much on the sweet voice instructing him to proceed in front. The road had been flooded and become a lake around a year before, but he trustingly followed the advice and ended up sinking fast.
Having had a similar experience in Beverly hills, getting stopped after taking a right turn where it was not allowed but instructed by GPS, I can almost sympathise...except my driver was sober as she explained herself to the nice officer.